Ezaugarri nagusia
This series of press adopts rotating key positive clutch,which has a simple structure and is convenient to operate and maintain,achieving smooth operation, low impact and low noise. J23-25 open type inclinable press machine is the first to adopt rolling bearing rather than the commonly used sliding bearing(copper bearing) for the transmission gear, making the transmission gear more wear-resistant and avoiding loud noises of gears caused by the quickly worn copper bearing; The 80T level and above press machine all adopt the structure of pneumatic dual balance cylinder,chich has small fluctuation of the balancec force and it balances the slider and the upper die, chich can cause the lathe unstable. And it can also avoide the clsah and noise caused by the converse force of gears in transmission, and avoid accidents cause by the falling of slider when the brake fails or the connecting rod ruptures.
Elektronika, komunikazio, ordenagailu, etxetresna elektrikoetan, altzarietan, garraioan, (automobila, motozikleta, bizikleta) hardware piezak estanpatzeko eta konformatzeko oso erabilia. Funtsean oholera zuzenduta egon. Moldearen bidez, zuriketa, puntzonaketa, konformazioa, marrazketa, apainketa, zulaketa fina, moldaketa, errematxaketa eta estrusio piezak eta abar egin ditzakegu, hainbat esparrutan oso erabiliak. Esate baterako, etengailu-entxufeak, edalontziak, armairuak, platerak, ordenagailu-zorroak erabiltzen ditugu, moldean zulaketa bidez osagarri asko ekoiz daitezke.